Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Herbie has a Prognosis!

Thank you so much to all of Herbie's Fans who keep asking how he is doing! He is settling in very nicely at home with Foster Mom and Dad, eating high quality food, starting to put some weight on and taking fish oil to help his coat regain its shine.

The Vet has given Herbie a better prognosis than we expected - that is the good news!

Medically, here are the facts:

One of the attack bites that Herbie sustained was a deep puncture wound into a joint and there is still some swelling and heat in the joint area. The limping indicates pain, the heat could be from an infection- yet Herbie has a good range of motion, which is promising. If the anti-inflammatory Herbie is now taking is not enough, the next medical step is to sedate Herbie to take a sample of the joint fluid to determine the extent of the infection. Best case scenario: Herbie will need aggressive antibiotics and physical therapy (dog swimming pool!) and/or cleaning of the joint by a surgeon to regain full use of his leg. The great news is that it does not look like - at this time - that Herbie will lose his leg. Yay for Herbie!

Dentally - (this is a Full Report!) - Herbie lost a tooth somewhere along the way (perhaps from scrounging for food in the frozen ground?) - and has another tooth worn down to nothing. So dental care will be needed too!

YOUR continuing support is what is making it possible to Heal Herbie!!

We couldn't do this without YOU!

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